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Professional Development...Education...Networking


The Maryland Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (MACCE) is a membership association consisting of Chamber of Commerce executives, and their counterparts from similar organizations, from across the state of Maryland. We support the continued professional development, training, and education of our members through our own quarterly programs and through the award of scholarships for external programs. MACCE also provides valuable networking opportunities for our members, encouraging the exchange of ideas and best practices to improve organizations across the state.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Put your business in front of Chamber of Commerce decision makers from throughout the state. Sponsorship starts at $500; $250 for one meeting only.



MACCE annually funds scholarships for members and their staff to attend professional development programs such as the US Chamber's Institute for Organization Management and ACCE's Annual Conference.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Special thanks to MACCE's sponsors: